January 5th Weekly Learning…


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on December 18, 2014

Reading:  We will be using the comprehension skill of comparing and contrasting while reading and enjoying fairy tales. We will first be reading various adapted Cinderella fairy tales.

Phonics/Word Work:  We will learn about abbreviations.


New Words:  man, too, any, day, same

Review Words:  to, that, have, there, then, could, called, know, write, the, a, is, you, it, he, was, as, his, this, one, not, said, who, long, just, new

Extra Words:  another, himself, name, once

Writing:  The students will set a “goal” for home and school in order to write a New Year’s Resolution.
The students will also learn the parts to a friendly letter.  We will write letters to someone that gave us a wonderful gift at Christmas.

Math:  We will continue to work on graphing.  The students will sort data and use the information to create a graph.  We want the students to be able to answer and ask questions when interpreting data.

Social Studies:  Discuss celebrations!

Homework:  Read and sign log daily.
Fluency poem.  Read each night and initial.
Spelling Words:  Write a sentence with a different “new” spelling word each night and revise and edit your sentence.
Math: Graphing pages 

They may turn it in on any day of the week, but it must be turned in by Friday.  They will receive tickets for each thing that they complete and turn in.


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