Math Practice


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on May 17, 2012

We have been using a web-based program called XtraMath to increase speed and accuracy in arithmetic. Your child is invited to continue using XtraMath over the summer break to maintain and improve their skills for next year. If you don’t have Internet at home I can suggest alternative activities which are also effective.

Flashcards!  Working with at home manipulatives like dry beans or pennies to build adding a subtracting practice!  Drawing a picture and  creating a math story problem to go with it!

Go to and watch the short “Overview” and “Getting Started” videos.
Click Enroll. You will be asked for a student enrollment code.  I will send this home in report card!

After this quick process, your child will be able to do XtraMath from home. This will ensure that existing accounts are linked to my classroom.

Thank you!
— Mrs. Barlow

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