Throw a pie? In a face? What?


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on May 18, 2016

The following kids are eligible to participate in the “pie in the face” activities on Thursday morning in the Elem. gym. It will begin at 7:30. I will try to get as many as I can from morning meeting. If they get to your room and haven’t been to throw a pie at Levi and Collin, please send them before 8. If someone comes in with a form or money before 8, and is not on this list, you can send them (with their form or money) to the gym, too.

Wyatt Leviton
Shawn Richardson
Brody Callens
Mykey Feldhauser
Kyler Williams
Logan Langewisch
Tyson McKinney
Will Thomas

It will happen before 8, so please be here if you are on this list or you want to donate to be a part of this great event!

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