Important Information!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on March 21, 2013

Tomorrow we will be presenting a little poem and chant about loyalty at the Champs Assembly.  Please have your child here by 7:45, so they can get to the stage and be ready to perform.

A note went home today about picking up the chocolate from the Chocolate Bunny Sale!  Many students sold a lot of candy and will have several boxes to pick up.  Thank you again for helping with this fundraiser!

We will have a quick assessment tomorrow in math over coins.  We have practiced coin names, values, and counting a mixture of nickels and pennies and dimes and pennies.

We will also have our Spelling Test tomorrow over the words in their planner!

Some of you will be contacted this weekend or by the first of next week about bringing items for the Easter Party.  Thanks in advance for your help!

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