Welcome Back!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on March 17, 2013

Welcome Back!  I cannot wait to see the kids tomorrow and hear about their Spring Break fun!  I hope you have all had a restful break!

We will be presenting at the Champs Assembly this Friday.  The students have been learning about loyalty in Character Education.  They will teach other students what it means to them. 

Our Easter Party will be on Friday, March 29th.  That will also be an early release day.  I will be sending out a note letting you know the details of the party.

We will be learning about money!  The students need to recognize the coin and how much it is worth.  There are a few games on our class blog for the students to play to reinforce these skills.  We will also learn to count a mixture of coins.  The kids will always need to problem solve with each math skill that they are learning.  I will try to post a question that they can discuss with you on our blog during the week.  I would love for them to comment about how they solved it!

Please continue to read each night and don’t forget to have your child tell you their favorite part and a way they may have solved the problem differently. 

We will continue to research the Texas state symbols.  The students will complete an art project and write about the facts they learned.

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