General Information and Parent Questions
School begins at 8:00. Attendance will be taken at 9:45 and they will be marked absent if not at school at 9:45. They will be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom at 8:00. We are unpacking from 7:45 – 8:00 and beginning our lessons starting at 8:00. Thank you for your help in making sure your child is at school each day and on time. We are beginning our R2W attendance celebrations this year. This stands for Ready To Work! The students will need to be here at school each day and on time to be a part of the celebration. We understand that students get sick, so we will have these celebrations start over every 3 to 4 weeks. This gives your child multiple opportunites to be a part of a celebration. Celebrations will include extra recess, ice cream, and various other fun and exciting activities to celebrate that your child is here each and everyday on time ready to learn.
How do I report my child absent?
I would like to know when a student will be out and why. If possible, please leave me a message at 903-291-2151. Thank you.
Breakfast = $1.75
Lunch = $2.25
Adults = $3.50
Milk and extra food will have an additional cost. (price varies)
Lunch money can be sent by check or cash at any time. Please make sure you put your child’s money in an envelope with their first and last name on it so that it will be put in the correct account. You may also add money to your child’s account from your own home. Refer to the schools home website (Food Services) and you will need their account information. You can set up to have them email you if your child falls below an amount that you specify.
You may also put money on your child’s account online. Please see the Food Services tab.
If your child does not have enough money in their account you will receive a phone call with the balance of your child’ lunch account. If it falls below a certain balance your child will receive an alternative lunch.
On early dismissal days your child will still have lunch. The time will be changed to earlier in the day.
Car riders will be released at 2:55 and bus children will be taken to the buses at 3:00. I have to make the students go home their normal way that we discuss at the beginning of the year unless stated differently in a note or call from you. The students are not allowed to go home with a friend if it means riding a bus other than their own. Thank you for understanding these rules. It is for the safety of the children.
What should I do if I will be changing my child’s transportation home?
If you need to change transportation, please write a note in the planner or call and leave a message.
[email protected]
Mrs. Barlow’s Class number 903-291-2151 (please leave by 2:15 pm if possible – sometimes our phones are out)
Office number 903-291-2160
What should I do if I will be picking my child up early from school?
You can write a note in the planner or call and leave a message. I will try to have your child packed up and ready. Please remember you will need to come in and sign your child out in the Primary Office.
Folders and Planners
Please check your child’s folder each day for various information. Each day that we assess I try to have your child’s graded papers in their folder. If not that day I will have it their folder the next day. The planner and folder is a great way to help keep your child organized and learn information about various events, homework, tests, and behavior. The planner also has our rules,dress code, calendar, and procedures stated at the front. Please refer to the planner for additional information.
Class Parties and Birthdays
There will be three parties a year. We will have a Christmas party, Valentine’s Day party, and an Easter Party. The dates for the parties are listed on the district’s School Calendar. Please let me know if you are interested in signing up to help with any of these parties.
We do not serve peanut products due to allergies on our campus.
Birthdays are important and I will acknowledge your child’s big day by giving them a prize and singing Happy Birthday.
Can I send birthday treats and invitations to school?
We may not have birthday treats at school. If you would like to send birthday invitations, please let me know and I can send you a list of addresses and phone numbers. Birthday invitations are not to be passed out at school. Please note this rule in our student handbook that is located in your child’s planner.
Report Cards
We will have 9 weeks reports sent out the Thursday after the nine weeks ends.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences will be held two times a year. The first will be held during the Fall semester, usually in October. The second will be held during the Spring semester, usually in February. This information should be noted on the school calendar. Notes will also be sent home prior to the scheduled day. Please feel free to contact me if you need a conference at any other time during the year. These conferences will cover the progress that your child is making as well as anything that we need to work on to help their success in school. Thanks for your support.
All medication must be administered by our school nurse. Please send a written note so that she may administer it to your child. It needs to be in its original container. Please always complete the health form completely at the beginning of the year. I will use this information to make sure your child is in the safest environment possible and will need to know of their allergies, etc. to do so.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this information. I hope it will help you with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year.