Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on December 2, 2013
Dear Parents,
It is finally December and our Christmas party is just around the corner. Mrs. Hidalgo has graciously chosen to help with this party. I am sending her names of parents that asked to help or send items! She will be contacting you soon. We will be having a book exchange for our class this year. Please purchase a book with a limit of $10 or less that would be appropriate for a boy or girl in 2nd grade. Please wrap it and send it to school by next week. Our party will be on December 20, 2013 from 9am to 10am. The parents can come to help decorate and set up at 8:30am. We look forward to spending time with you on this day if you can make it! Please contact me by phone or email if you have any questions.
Brandi Barlow
Thank you mrs Barlow! Can’t wait (: