Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on October 14, 2013
I learned about Bats. They can hunt in the dark and they can sleep at daylite.
We researched bats on facts4me. We will write a bat report.
I learned about Bats. They can hunt in the dark and they can sleep at daylite.
We researched bats on facts4me. We will write a bat report.
Reading: The students will be learning about digraphs. We want to have them help us when writing and reading. We will focus on wh, sh, th, ch, ng, ph, ck. They will need to understand it is two letters that make one sound.
Spelling: made, over, did, down, only
Writing: We will be learning about plural nouns. The students will learn to read and write es and s to make nouns plural. We will assess their understanding on Friday and then have follow up practice in stations the next week.
The students will also be practicing the writing process. We will plan/brainstorm and choose a central idea to write about. We will write a topic sentence or central idea and then four supporting details. We will then revise this writing by reading it back and making sure it makes sense and adding adjectives to make our story better. The student will then edit their work. Each student will then choose to publish their work by reading it out loud, displaying it in the hall, or reading it to a partner.
Math: Each day the students and I have a Number Talk activity that helps us understand mental math strategies. We will also have an Intentional Problem Solving time that help us use manipulatives to understand story problems.
This week in Math we will begin our geometry section. We will learn about 2d and 3d shapes and solid figures. The students will create these shapes and place them together to create solid figures.
Science: We will be reading more about bats. We will use the research we gather to write a bat book report.
Character Education: We are talking about courage.