Weekly Information!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on October 22, 2013

This week in writing will be discussing sequencing.  We will read books and discuss the beginning, middle, and end.  We will also be sequencing events and things that we make. I hope that this understanding will also be applied to our reading.  We want to learn how to retell main events in sequence order.

During reading time we will be learning about the different long a combinations.  These include -a consonant e, -ay, -ai, and -eigh,   We will make charts and write them around the room for future resources.  I also will be watching to see if they apply this spelling during their writing time.

In math we are still learning about attributes of shapes and solid figures.  We are learning the vocabulary of these math terms and writing riddles to better understand shapes in our world.

Spelling Words:  find, may, use, way, water.  We will have our Spelling Review on Friday.
Sometimes our spelling reviews will be on different days, but I will let you know ahead of time.

We are observing a pumpkin and applying what we have learned about adjectives to describe the pumpkin.  We will also apply math and science skills during our pumpkin observation time.


Comments (1)

I would love to see pics of all their storybook pumpkins ((((: Layla was proud of hers!!!!

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