Important Information!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on August 23, 2018

Good afternoon!  I have sent home a reading log with the students today.  They picked out their own book as I am learning their reading levels.  If it is to hard please help them read and if it is to easy understand they are learning to pick out “just right books” for themselves. Your student needs to be reading at least 20 minutes each school night and one time on the weeked.  (maybe on Sunday)  Please either have your child or you complete the reading log by dating and signing the book name and author if there is room.  I will need you to put your initials on the log.  They earn a penny each night they read and it is initialed by you.  The pennies are saved for prizes in the classroom.  The students also write important notes and reminders each morning in the planner.  They will receive another penny if you initial their planner.  If you have not signed up for Seesaw you will want to do that very soon.  I am hoping we will begin posting next week.  Thank you for your help!


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