Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on October 26, 2014
Red Ribbon Week!! Say NO to drugs!
Monday: Wear Red
Tuesday: Outsmart Drugs! Use your head! Wear a hat.
Wednesday: Look to the future! Wear a college, NFL, or White Oak shirt. EARLY RELEASE DAY at 11:30!
Thursday: It’s crazy to do drugs! Wear crazy socks and/or crazy hair!
Friday: Spook out drugs! Wear your Halloween costume. (No masks or handheld props allowed. Costumes must follow dress code.)
Reading: The students will have parts in one of two readers’ theaters. We will discuss and work on fluency. I will film them on Friday and post on the blog.
Tuesday we will take a comprehension grade over a reading passage.
Spelling and Phonics: We will discuss using our resources and known words to help us spell new words.
Spelling Words:
New Words: long, little, very, after, words
Review Words: with, there, about, many, first, people, down, the, a, in, you, that, are, from, or, one, then, many, could, make, its, made, use
Extra Words:
Please make sure they can read these words. The will be posted on the board for them to use as a resource.
big, choose, good, letters, story, write
Writing: We will be discussing the sequence of carving a pumpkin. The students will write their own how to and follow the directions of a partner’s paper to make a paper jack-o-lantern. They will also complete their haunted house ads.
Math: We will learn about place value up to 1,200. The student will use base ten blocks to create numbers and the place value of each digit.
Thursday we will take a grade over place value and story problems.
Social Studies: Halloween Safety
No Math or Fluency homework this week.
Spelling Words – practice a word a night. The test will be on Friday.
Reading – Read for at least 15-20 minutes each night. Don’t forget to get your reading log signed to get a ticket.