Weekly Learning!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information, Mrs. Barlow's Class, Parent Notes/Information | Posted on May 4, 2014

This week we will be reviewing skills learned all year!

We will be taking an assessment in math over all concepts we have learned on Friday.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we will  review games and small group games to continue growing our skills in all areas of math.  These areas include:
expanded form
place value
problem solving with two step problems
coins and mixed value
shapes and solid figures
adding strings of numbers
greater than/less than
ordering numbers in greater to least value
time to the hour, half hour, minute

We will have homework sheets coming home each night to review skills as well!

We will also be performing with Pre-K students in the Champs Assembly on May 16, 2014.  We will begin practicing with them this week.

We will be testing our accuracy, fluency, and comprehension skills in reading this week with individual reading passages with the teacher and independently.

This will be an important week for the kids to show how much they have learned this year!

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