Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2012
A new spelling list is in your child’s folder with the tentative date for our Spelling Review and ideas on how to help them practice. The same list is on our class blog on the left with a fun site to practice the words. Remember that not all of our Reviews will be on Friday. It will depend on how the students are catching on to the new words.
The students are bringing home many graded papers today. Please look over them with your child and help them understand things they may have missed and celebrate the things they know!
Book order! The book order is in your child’s folder. If you want to order books please return it with a check or money by Friday, September 14, 2012. I will place the order this weekend and they will ship to us within two weeks. By ordering from this book order you can build your child’s home library and help your child’s class earn points to get books for the class library. Thank you in advance.
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2012
We went to the library today for the first time in 1st grade! The students are learning how to choose a good book that they will enjoy reading or listening to you read. This book will be a book that is not required to put on the reading log. You can read it to them and talk about it all week. They will still need to read the book I give them that is in their Take Home Folder and sign it on the reading log. They will keep their library book with them until Monday when we go back to exchange our book in the big school library. Please help them remember to keep it in their backpack when they are not reading it to keep it safe. If they forget to bring it Monday they will have to wait until the next Monday to exchange it because that is our day in the library! Thanks for your help in this matter and I know they will enjoy listening and helping you read their weekly library book!
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 7, 2012
Please have your child read at least once this weekend and sign it in their planner! Have an awesome weekend!!
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 6, 2012
We created patterns. (Calee)
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 5, 2012
Please see note in your child’s planner about what we are learning in Math! There are activities you could play with your child to help them grow in their learning!
Spelling Review will be this friday! (Trinity)
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 3, 2012
Hello! I will be posting new spelling words on our blog and the kids will be writing these words in their planner. We don’t have a set day that we take our Spelling Review on each week. I will post a day on the blog that we will have it and they will write a note in their planner. Sometimes we keep practicing the same words for almost two weeks. If your child doesn’t have new words in their planner then we are probably still working on the words from the previous week. Check the blog for updates on their spelling words. Their Spelling Review will be a story that I read to them and they will fill in the blanks with the correct spelling word. Words will spiral through on each review for a constant review of all words that they have learned. The other part of the Spelling Review will be dictation sentences. I will say a sentence with their spelling word in it and they will have to listen very good and write down what they hear. I will repeat the sentence slow and four times at the beginning of the year. I will check for all words spelled correctly in the sentence with a capital letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end. There will be additional words in the sentence that I will have written on the board for them to use as a resource. These will also be listed on the blog. We have a No – Excuse Word Wall in our room and it will not be taken down during our Review. I want them to constantly use resources. If they can read it, they can write it! I want them to be successful in all that they do. Practicing these words with your students and having them write a sentence each night with one of their words is an excellent way to practice. I also have a site on my blog under the words called Spelling City. It has interactive games the students can play to review their specific words. Please let me know if you have any questions.
We will also be sending home a book and reading log on Tuesday. They will have a book to read each night and at least one time on the weekend. I hope to have read a few pages if not the whole book with them before it goes home. I want this to be an exciting time to show off what a great reader they are becoming. You or your child can write down the book they read and the date, but I need your initials on the log each night. This is so important! This will help your child become responsible and practice becoming a fluent reader!
Thank you so much for all of your support!