Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 18, 2012

Jessica learned how to group tens and add ones to make a 2 digit number.

Will learned to put T and O on top of the tens and ones place.

Kash learned about greater than and less than.

Calee learned about tally marks.

Davis is learning how to read and write.

Trinity learned about kindness.

Kaleb learned about less than, greater than, and equals to.

Bryce learned about tens and ones.

Ethan learned about fantasy books.

Charity learned about how to work in stations.


Early Release!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 18, 2012


Please remember we have a student early release  Wednesday, September 19th at 12:00 for the Primary School.


Mrs. Barlow

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