

Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2012

I am attaching a picture of our First Grade 1st 6 Weeks Writing Rubric!  We are working very hard in writing and I wanted you to know the things I am teaching and will be assessing this six weeks.  We will practice and I will take a grade on a piece of their writing the last week of this six weeks.  After this six weeks we will have two graded writing pieces for each six weeks.

Our writer’s sometimes get “Writers’ Block”!  Please talk with your child about and assure them that anything they do can be turned into a story!  When your family goes on an adventure (even to the store) talk with them about the following:

who (characters) went

where (setting) did you go

when (setting) did you go there

what (events or a problem that may have happened)

 how did you solve the problem or how did you feel about the adventure (solution)

This will help them when they can’t think of anything to write!

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Spelling and Graded Papers


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2012

A new spelling list is in your child’s folder with the tentative date for our Spelling Review and ideas on how to help them practice.  The same list is on our class blog on the left with a fun site to practice the words.  Remember that not all of our Reviews will be on Friday.  It will depend on how the students are catching on to the new words.

The students are bringing home many graded papers today.  Please look over them with your child and help them understand things they may have missed and celebrate the things they know!

Book order!  The book order is in your child’s folder.  If you want to order books please return it with a check or money by Friday, September 14, 2012.  I will place the order this weekend and they will ship to us within two weeks.  By ordering from this book order you can build your child’s home library and help your child’s class earn points to get books for the class library.  Thank you in advance.



Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2012

We went to the library today for the first time in 1st grade!  The students are learning how to choose a good book that they will enjoy reading or listening to you read.  This book will be a book that is not required to put on the reading log.  You can read it to them and talk about it all week.  They will still need to read the book I give them that is in their Take Home Folder and sign it on the reading log.  They will keep their library book with them until Monday when we go back to exchange our book in the big school library.  Please help them remember to keep it in their backpack when they are not reading it to keep it safe.  If they forget to bring it Monday they will have to wait until the next Monday to exchange it because that is our day in the library!  Thanks for your help in this matter and I know they will enjoy listening and helping you read their weekly library book!


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