Weekly Learning Week 19


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 10, 2016

Weekly Learning Week 19

We will perform in the Champs Assembly on Friday.  It will begin at 8:00 and last about 20 minutes.

Phonics: contractions
cannot – can’t
will not – won’t
was not – wasn’t
she is – she’s
he is – he’s

around, also, think, look, right

Reading:  We will continue reading and discussing characteristics of a fairy tale.  We will also compare and contrast fractured fairy tales.

Writing:  We will continue writing letters and learning the parts of the letters.  The students will learn to complete an envelope to mail.

Math:  The students will continue to work on surveys and then creating a graph to show the data they collected.

Science:  Arctic habitats and animals/practice for Champs Assembly

Homework:  Math due on Friday.
Read each night and have your reading log signed.
Initial planner each night.

Weekly Learning Week 18


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 2, 2016

Weekly Learning Week 18

Phonics and Spelling:
Abbreviations – Mrs., Mr., Rd., Dr., Mrs.
Spelling Words-same, any, too, day, man

We will be learning about the attributes of fairy tales.  We will also learn to compare and contrast adapted fairy tale stories.

The students will think of a goal for the year and write a New Year’s Resolution.
The students will learn the parts of a letter and write a Thank You letter to someone for a special Christmas gift they received.  We will continue to practice the Writing Process.  (Plan, Write, Revise, Edit, and Publish)

The students will continue reading and creating graphs to understand how to analyze data.

Social Studies/Science:
Resolutions/Goals and we will make snow for science.

Read each night and have your reading log signed.
Math homework is due by Friday.
Practice Spelling words for the test on Friday.

Weekly Learning Week 17


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on December 10, 2015

Weekly Learning for Week 17

Spelling and Phonics – Review using our resources.  Review all spelling words and phonics skills that we have covered so far.

Reading – Read Christmas stories and discuss story elements and character traits for a better understanding of the story.

Math – Review addition with regrouping and create class graphs to analyze data.

Social Studies – Make crafts for our class Christmas tree and discuss traditions in America.

Wednesday will be Polar Express Day!  We will make ornaments, decorate our class tree, and watch The Polar Express.  Your child may wear appropriate pajamas that day, but please make sure they wear tennis shoes.

Please bring your puzzle and Christmas party items by Wednesday please.  Thank you!

Thursday will be an early release day at 11:00 for Primary.

Friday is our Christmas Party!  It will begin at 9 and end at 10.  Parents helping may come at 8:30 to set up.  We will also have an early release day at 11:00 for the primary.

Homework for the week.  Please just read each night.  There will not be spelling words or math homework.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I can’t wait to see you back on January 4, 2016!


Weekly Learning Week 16


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on December 2, 2015

Weekly Learning for Week 16

Phonics:  diphthongs ow and ou
ou like in shout
ow like in snow
ow like in crowd

Spelling: We will have our Spelling Test on Thursday this week.
New Words:
good, new, write, our, me
shout, snow, crowd

Reading:  Author’s Purpose
We will have a sorting activity to help us practice understanding author’s purpose of a story.
We will listen to stories and have a listening comprehension assessment.

Writing:  We will be writing creative stories showing a beginning, middle, and end of a story.  We want our stories to show what the purpose of the writing is in each piece.

Math:  Monday we will have a Common Assessment.  On Thursday we will have a Math Benchmark test over all skills we have been learning.

Read each night and get your reading log signed.
Have your parents check your planner for daily information and initial your planner.
Spelling Test will be on Thursday this week.
Math Test will also be on Thursday.
We will have a reading assessment on Wednesday.

FYI – I will be out on Friday.
Our Christmas party will be December 18th from 9-10.  That will also be an early release day.  You are all welcome to come to the party and help.  I have given the room mother the pink room mother sheets if you filled it out at the beginning of the year.  If you did not complete a form and would like to help please write me a note and I will give it to the room mother.  She will be contacting you soon. I will let you know what type of gift exchange we are having as soon as we have made a decision.  Thank you for always being so supportive of your student and their education.

Weekly Learning Week 15


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on November 29, 2015

Weekly Learning Week 15

Phonics:  We are learning to add -s and -es to words to make them plural.

Spelling:  get, through, back, much, go, buses, washes, switches, boxes

Reading:  We will be learning about Author’s Purpose.  We want the students to understand and identify if the author wrote a story to entertain, persuade, or give us information.  They also need to give evidence to help support their thinking.

Writing:  We want our students to learn to write for a purpose as they are playing the role of an author.

Math:  We will continue to practice addition with regrouping in the tens and hundreds place.

Homework = Ticket towards a prize you have saved up for each week!
Reading – Read each night and have your reading log signed.
Fluency Poem – Read each night with phrasing and expression.  Initial each night and return Friday to paste in your poetry notebook.
Math – Two pages of math practice due by Friday.
Spelling – Practice a word a night and locate these words in your reading practice time.
Each Thursday we have an assessment over a reading or phonics skill.
Each Friday we have an assessment over what we have been working on in Math and we have a Spelling test.

Weekly Learning Week 14


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on November 21, 2015

Weekly Learning Week 14

The students will be working on our Genius Hour projects to share what we have learned as a class about tornados.

We will continue to read and write about Thanksgiving.

Math will bring fun with a Turkey Roll game to practice math skills.

Remember there is an early release on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 11:00.


I hope each of you have a blessed Thanksgiving break.  Please read something over the break to keep progressing in your reading skills!


Weekly Learning Week 13


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on November 13, 2015

Weekly Learning Week 13


Nov. 18 – – – Fall picture retakes

Nov. 24 – – – Early release / 11:00 (Afternoon PreK will meet with morning class from 8 – 11)

Nov. 25, 26, & 27 – – – Thanksgiving holidays

Spelling:  Review 13
New Words:  called, just, where, most, know
Review Words:  there, your, out, then than, little, after, the, of, to, is, for, are, they, one, all, we, can, will, time, no, now, way, find

Phonics Words:  Consonant Digraphs
th like in think, sh like in wish, ch like in check, wh like in white

Reading:  Class Genius Hour
Review and practice steps we will take during Genius Hour

Writing:  Adjectives describe a noun.
We will work on adding adjectives in our stories.

Math:  Continue place value and learning to add with regrouping.

Social Studies:  Continue learning about the first Thanksgiving

Read each night and have your log signed.
Initial planner each night.
Spelling Story – practice spelling words using comprehension skills.
Fluency Poem – read and initial each night to turn in FRIDAY.
Math – complete and turn in by Friday

Weekly Learning Week 12


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on November 8, 2015

Weekly Learning Week 12


November 9, 2015 will be the first day of our Canned Food Drive.

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 will have an early release day.  The Primary students will be released at 11:30 am.

Fall Picture Retakes will be on Novemember 18, 2015.

We will have an early release on November 24, 215 at 11:00.  Thanksgiving holiday will be from November 25th to November 27th.

Reading:  We will continue learning about the main idea of fiction and non fiction text.  We will then learn how to choose the correct supporting details for the main idea.

Writing:  We want the students to learn how to apply each part of the writing process in their own stories. They need to plan, write, revise, edit, and publish each piece of their writing. 

Phonics:  We will learn the r-controlled parts in words to help us read and write.  We will learn ar like in car, er like in water, ir like in bird, ur like in turn, and or like in horse

Spelling:  long, little, very, after, words

Math:  We will learn place value of numbers to 1,200.  Our vocabulary words will be ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and base ten blocks.

Social Studies:  We will learn about the First Thanksgiving.


Read each night and have your parents sign your reading log.  Please have your parent initial your planner each night.

You will have two pages of math homework due by Friday.

You will have a fluency poem to practice each night and have signed each night by your parents.  Return this by Friday.

Each job you complete and have turned in will earn you a ticket.

Week 11 Weekly Learning!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on October 29, 2015

Reading:  The students will identify the main idea of a book or story.

Writing:  Students will use the writing process to write a creative story of their own choosing or they can adapt a book read to them.


New words:  way, find, use, may, water

Review words:  are, there, their, more, make, its, people

Phonics:  o-e – home, oa – coat, ow – know, oe – toe , u-e huge

Extra words:  put, paint, need, bumped

Phonics:  Long U – u-e words like in cute and huge

Math:  We will learn place value of numbers to 1,200.
Vocabulary:  ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, base ten blocks

Social Studies:  We will read and learn about Native Americans.

Weekly Learning Week 10


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on October 23, 2015

Weekly Learning!

NO SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015.  You can practice them for the test that will be given on November 6, 2015.

FYI – Red Ribbon Week
M – Red, T- College or WO, W – hats, Th – tie dye, F – appropriate Halloween costumes (no props)

Reading:  The students will learn about dialogue in books.  The will learn to use inflection when reading by using the punctuation to help them.   We want them to use phrasing, voice, and expression while the read.

Writing:  The students will be writing Halloween stories.  We want them to begin using the revising and editing process in all of their stories.  We will also carve a pumpkin and discuss the sequence order to write a how to page about it.

Spelling and Phonics:

New words:  way, find, use, may, water

Review words:  are, there, their, more, make, its, people

Phonics:  o-e – home, oa – coat, ow – know, oe – toe

Extra words:  put, paint, need, bumped

Math:  We will be learning about place value from ones to the thousands place.

Social Studies:  Halloween Safety

Homework: Read each night and get log signed.
Math – missing addends and coin review
Fluency Poem – read and initial each night
Spelling – We will not have a spelling test until November 6th.  We will assess long o sounds.

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