Weekly Learning Week 30


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on March 31, 2016

Weekly Learning Week 30

Spelling:  should, big, air, give, home

Phonics:  Make spelling connections using known word parts to new words.

Reading:  The students will be learning about recycling.  We will continue to research and begin planning how to teach others about recycling.

Writing:  Writing creative stories using all the story elements and developing these stories using elaboration.  We will plan ways and begin writing a rough draft on how to teach others about the importance of recycling.

Math:  We will work on telling time to the minute.  We will continue to work on problem solving in all concepts of math and review skills taught throughout the year.

Science:  Recycle PBL


Please have your student to continue to read each night for at least 15 minutes.  It will continue to build their reading skills and help increase their fluency.  Please sign their log to help them earn tickets for showing responsibility!

Fluency Poem due Friday!

Math Homework due Friday!

Week 29 Learning!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on March 24, 2016

Reading – The students will be learning about recycling and research.  The students will learn to ask questions and discuss what they are learning about recycling.

Writing – The students will be able to write persuasive statement about issues that are important to the student for the appropriate audience in the school, home or local community.

Phonics – Possessive Nouns/Plural Nouns

Spelling Words – every, found, still, between, name

Math – The students will learn the hour, minute, and second hands. They will be able to distinguish what takes one second, one minute, and one hour. They will also learn to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Science – Recycle PBL

Daily Homework:
Read each night for 15 to 20 minutes and have your log initialed by your parents.
Practice spelling words.
Due Thursday (this week):
Read poem each night to practice fluency.
Math homework.

Weekly Learning Week 28


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on March 15, 2016

Upcoming Events:
Spring Pictures the morning of March 24th.
Easter Party will be held on the afternoon of March 24th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.
We will be out of school on Friday, March 25th in honor of Good Friday.

Reading – The students will be learning about recycling and research.  The students will learn to ask questions and discuss what they are learning about recycling.

Writing – The students will be able to write persuasive statement about issues that are important to the student for the appropriate audience in the school, home or local community.

Phonics – Possessive Nouns/Plural Nouns

Spelling Words – every, found, still, between, name

Math – The students will learn the hour, minute, and second hands. They will be able to distinguish what takes one second, one minute, and one hour. They will also learn to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Science – Recycle PBL

Daily Homework:
Read each night for 15 to 20 minutes and have your log initialed by your parents.
Practice spelling words.
Due Thursday (this week):
Read poem each night to practice fluency.
Math homework.




Weekly Learning Week 27


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on March 14, 2016

Important Information for upcoming events:
Please return field trip permission slip for the Recycling Plant/Landfill by Tuesday, March 15, 2016 if you have not already turned it in.
Field Trip will be March 16, 206. Please arrive at school on time because the bus will be leaving by 8:15 and we will return for lunch at 11:05.
Spring Pictures

Reading – We will be learning about recycling and how it will help our world.  This is a PBL/Project Based Learning opportunity for the students to research, observe, collaborate, and publish their learning of recycling.
We will also learn about adverbs and apply this learning in reading and writing.

Spelling:  great, tell, men, say, small, quietly, softly, slowly

Writing – The students will write in their Go Green Journals and give their opinions about what they feel about recycling, how they will recycle, and how recycling will make a difference in our world.

Math – We will review fractions and graphing.

Social Studies/Science – PBL Recycling

Read each night and get your log initialed by your parents.
Math homework due Friday.
Fluency Poem read each night and due Friday.
Assessments –
Thursday – Reading Comprehension
Friday – Spelling Review and Math


Weekly Learning Week 25


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on February 19, 2016

Reading – Poetry reading and comprehension
Writing – Applying knowledge of poetry attributes into their writing of poems
Phonics – Working with making connections from known word parts to new words.
Spelling – away, different, put, help, why
Math – fractions
Health – Taking care of our teeth

Homework:  Read and have reading log signed each night.
Math due by Friday.
Fluency poem due Friday – Read each night!

Early Release on Wednesday at 11:30am!

Week 24 Weekly Learning


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class, Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on February 14, 2016

Chocolate Bunny Fundraiser!  Please help us raise money for the White Oak Primary School!  Fundraiser ends Friday and all money is due at that time.  The winning class will win a small ice cream party!  Thank you for your help!


School Holiday on Monday, February 15, 2016!

Reading – Poetry
Writing – Write a cinquain poem
Spelling – last weeks words in planner
Math – introduce fractions and continue to work on addition and subtraction missed review with regrouping
Social Studies – character traits of a president

Homework – read each night, math and fluency poem due on Friday

Weekly Learning Week 23


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on February 8, 2016

Weekly Learning Week 23

Valentine Party will be this Friday from 12pm to 1pm.  You are welcome to come enjoy the party with your child.  Please bring their cards to exchange not later than Thursday, February 11, 2016.  Thank you!

Reading:  We will read and discuss stories in depth to understand the development of a story.  Settings, Characters, Problems, and Solutions

Writing:  We will apply what we are learning about story development in our own stories.

Phonics:  vowel digraphs ou, ue, ew, ui

Spelling:  place, well, such, here, take, outside, glue, blew, build

Math:  Subtraction with regrouping

Social Studies:  Abe Lincoln


Spelling test will not be this Friday.  It will be the following Friday, February 19, 2016.

Math homework will be due on Friday.

Fluency Poem will be due on Friday.

Reading homework should be done each night for at least 15 minutes and have the log signed.  Each child has a chapter book to read a chapter or more each night.  You can put the chapter they read on the log and sign your initials on the log. 

Thank you for your help in supporting your child with their school work.

Weekly Learning Week 22


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 31, 2016

Weekly Learning Week 22

Reading:  Suffixes
A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word that changes its meaning.

Writing:  Letter Writing/Develop stories

must, does, because, part, even

hopeless, helpful, kindness

Math:  Continue subtraction with regrouping in problem solving stories.

Social Studies:  President George Washington

Math homework due on Friday.
Fluency Poem due on Friday.
Read each night and sign log.

Upcoming Events:
We will be out of school on February 8, 2016 for an inservice day for the teachers.
Our Valentine Party will be on February 12, 2016 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.  Please bring your Valentine cards by February 11th.

Weekly Learning Week 21!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 22, 2016

Spelling:  We will review last weeks words.

Phonics:  prefixes

Spelling Word List:
three, work, come, came, another, regroup, couldn’t, I’ll, you’re, unable

Reading:  We will read books and locate prefixes.  We will discuss the meaning of these words in context of sentences.  We will continue to discuss stories and their genres.

Writing:  We will continue our fairy tales or creative stories while working on the writing process.  During share time we will decide what genre the student author was writing by thinking about the attributes of their story.

Math:  We will continue working on regrouping in subtraction.

Science:  We will discuss being a scientist and how we can be safe.

Early Release Wednesday, January 27, 2016.
We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Friday.
Read each night and get your log signed for a ticket.
Math homework due on Friday.
Spelling Test on Friday.

Weekly Learning Week 20!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 18, 2016

Reading:  We will be reading fables and learning the attributes of this type of genre.

Writing:  We will be writing fairy tales and applying the attributes we learned about fairy tales the last few weeks.

Phonics:  We will continue to learn new contraction words.
isn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t, I’ll, you’re

Spelling:  three, work, come, came, another

Math:  We will review double digit subtraction, place value, and begin subtraction with regrouping.

Social Studies:  We will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.  and his contributions to our world.

Read each night and get your log initialed by your parents.
Math pages will be due on Friday.
Spelling test on Friday.
Fluency poem due on Friday.

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