Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information | Posted on November 12, 2013

We are having a Can Food Drive this week.  If you can send cans we would appreciate it!  We are having a competition to see who can bring the most items this week.  Thanks in advance for your help!!!!  Showing kindness is a great character trait!

Reminder! We need your votes! Thanks!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information, Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 16, 2013

Dear Parents,

We would like your help with our Sonic Limeades for Learning project.  This year I have asked for an ipad mini to add to our classroom technology.  Beginning on September 23rd and ending on October 27th you can help us with receiving this item.  All you have to do is vote from EVERY and ALL emails that you have access to each day of the week.  You will go to limeadesforlearning.com.  You will have to login in on the left top with your email.  Click on “Find A Project” at the top of the page.  Click on Find A Project.  Search the name Tap into Technology or type in White Oak in the search area and locate the project (add it to your favorites) and make sure it shows my name.   You may then vote using your email addresses. Each email address is only given one vote a day, but  if  you go to Sonic they will give you tickets to vote two extra times in a day.  Also, after 10 votes you will get an extra free vote.  If our class project gets the most votes in a time period, Donor’s Choose (Sonic Limeades For Learning) will grant us the ipad mini.  Your email will not be used for anything except voting on the project.  Please share this with all of your friends and family and encourage them to vote.  My students and I would greatly appreciate it!  

Remember:  Voting starts on September 23rd.  I did hear that Sonic may start giving out tickets on September 18th.  I am not positive, but it is worth a try.  Thanks in advance for your help!


Mrs. Barlow’s Class

Project Name:  Tap Into Technology (Search White Oak and then locate our project name.)
VOTE!  Please!  Beginning on September 23rd!

Fun Run Page


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information | Posted on February 27, 2013

If you have misplaced the Fun Run form you may click on the link below and print it out.


Fun Run Form

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