Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information | Posted on March 27, 2015
Due to STAAR Testing being administers upstairs we ask you not to eat lunch with your child on Monday or Tuesday! Thank you!
Due to STAAR Testing being administers upstairs we ask you not to eat lunch with your child on Monday or Tuesday! Thank you!
Our reading contest started Monday. Please make sure your child reads for at least 20 minutes each night and that you sign your initials on their yellow reading log. Each night they read and have it signed they get a ticket to go into the drawing on May 8th for a new bike! The more tickets they have in their the better chance that they will have to win!
I will be out on Friday, so I have moved the spelling test up to this Thursday.
We will have spring pictures taken on Tuesday, March 24, 2015! Dress nice!
We will have an early release on March 31, 2015 for parent conferences. I will be sending home schedules soon. The students will dismiss at 11:00 am that day in order for us to meet with parents beginning around 11:15 am.
EASTER Party Information
We will be having our Easter party on Good Friday! This will be our make-up day for the snow day that we had. Our party will be Friday, April 3, 2015 from 9am to 10am. I will send out more party information soon. This will be an early release day and the Primary school will release at 11:00am that day!
Today your child came home with a Chocolate Bunny and Chocolate Candy order form. Please help us out by helping your child sell some chocolate! This is the only fundraiser that the primary school does and it sure does help us out with buying awesome things to enhance the student’s learning.
I especially want to win this year! The winning class gets a little party to celebrate them being the winning class. (My class won last year, so wouldn’t it be great for us to win again this year?)
The student’s themselves will also win prizes for different amounts that they sell.
To add in a little math we will be graphing our data!
Thanks for your help and all you do!
My students have helped me blog about our learning from the first day of school! Now they are blogging on their own! If they haven’t shared this with you, ask them to show you on our class blog. This is a safe, but fun way for them to write about their learning, their life, and share their stories! Once they post something it sends me an email. I approve the information that they want to post. It gives me a chance to also conference with them about their writing. I then can approve their post for their classmates to enjoy. These posts are secured in our classroom and the child’s parents. I am so impressed by what they have posted so far and how they are learning to comment about other student’s posts. You can be a part of your child’s blog posts, too! I am sure they would love for you to comment about their learning! I will be sending home instructions soon!
The students will be going home tomorrow at 11:00 am and then if they chose to come back to be a part of the Senior Citizen Luncheon the parents will be responsible for getting their child there and back home. Mrs. Steel will not be taking them to the luncheon or getting them home. I am so sorry for any confusion. Please see the note in your child’s folder and a copy of the note below.
This week we will be reviewing skills learned all year!
We will be taking an assessment in math over all concepts we have learned on Friday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we will review games and small group games to continue growing our skills in all areas of math. These areas include:
expanded form
place value
problem solving with two step problems
coins and mixed value
shapes and solid figures
adding strings of numbers
greater than/less than
ordering numbers in greater to least value
time to the hour, half hour, minute
We will have homework sheets coming home each night to review skills as well!
We will also be performing with Pre-K students in the Champs Assembly on May 16, 2014. We will begin practicing with them this week.
We will be testing our accuracy, fluency, and comprehension skills in reading this week with individual reading passages with the teacher and independently.
This will be an important week for the kids to show how much they have learned this year!
Fundraiser Candy Orders have arrived!
Please pick up candy orders from the primary office
If they are not picked up today they will be sent home with students this afternoon.