Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on March 31, 2016
Weekly Learning Week 30
Spelling: should, big, air, give, home
Phonics: Make spelling connections using known word parts to new words.
Reading: The students will be learning about recycling. We will continue to research and begin planning how to teach others about recycling.
Writing: Writing creative stories using all the story elements and developing these stories using elaboration. We will plan ways and begin writing a rough draft on how to teach others about the importance of recycling.
Math: We will work on telling time to the minute. We will continue to work on problem solving in all concepts of math and review skills taught throughout the year.
Science: Recycle PBL
Please have your student to continue to read each night for at least 15 minutes. It will continue to build their reading skills and help increase their fluency. Please sign their log to help them earn tickets for showing responsibility!
Fluency Poem due Friday!
Math Homework due Friday!