Play 60 and Fun Run!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on April 12, 2013

Dear Parents,

This post is to explain about the Play 60 program and the Fun Run event.

The Play 60 is an 8 week program that the students have been involved in during their PE and Ready Bodies time.  You may have purchase a t-shirt.  The Fun Run is next weekend to have an ending celebration for completing the 8 weeks.  It is free to every child.  There was a pledge sheet handed out, also.   It is a pledge to continue to exercise.  If you choose to pledge then that money will go toward our school playground.  We thank you for all of your support and for encouraging your child to continue healthy habits that will last a lifetime.  I am so sorry for any confusion.  I hope this helps.  Feel free to email, call, or write a note if you need anymore clarification.

Thanks for all you do to support our school!

Brandi Barlow

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