Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on April 23, 2019
There are many important notes in your child’s folder today. Please sign up for the READ-A-THON to support our school. You get a prize just for signing up, so imagine what happens if you participate each day! The kids could win a small party for just reading each night and logging in. Thanks for your support!
Please see the newsletter for upcoming events.

Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on April 15, 2019
We will have a spelling test on word parts Wednesday. I will have them put the words in abc order.
blew, feet, mice, cake, chores, tugging, munches, hisses, rule, float
We will have a geometry 2d and 3d shape attribute test on Wednesday for Math.
We have our Easter party on Thursday, April 18th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Please send all items (unless it is fruit or needs to be refrigerated – bring those items on Thursday the day of the party) by Tuesday including their eggs and baskets. Thank you for your help.
We will be out of school on Friday, April 19th and Monday, April 22nd.
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on April 8, 2019
Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on April 8, 2019
We have been observing the life cycle of the ladybugs and butterflies for a few weeks. We now have a few baby ladybugs and we are still waiting on the butterflies! You can see the live video on SeeSaw!