Weekly Newsletter Week 21


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on January 23, 2017

Valentine Party Information


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Information | Posted on January 23, 2017

Dear Parents,

Our Valentine’s Day party is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14th, from 12:00 to 1:00. Your child can create a Valentine box or sack at home to bring to school. Please bring the box or sack by Friday, February 10th.  If your child is unable to bring a box or sack I will have materials for them to make one here at school that Friday.  Your child is to bring a Valentine card for each of his/her classmates. You may start sending the Valentine’s cards to school Friday, February 10th. Please try to bring them no later than Monday, February 13th. Please do not send anything with peanut butter ingredients because we do have allergies in the school. Your child may copy the class list below on the outside of their cards. Our room mothers for this party will be contacting you if you completed a pink room mother form.  They may be asking for help with food items and/or help at the party.  All parents are welcome to come and enjoy the party with your child.  We are looking forward to a fun, exciting party.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Brandi Barlow

I will also send home a note this week.

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