Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 2, 2016
Weekly Learning Week 18
Phonics and Spelling:
Abbreviations – Mrs., Mr., Rd., Dr., Mrs.
Spelling Words-same, any, too, day, man
We will be learning about the attributes of fairy tales. We will also learn to compare and contrast adapted fairy tale stories.
The students will think of a goal for the year and write a New Year’s Resolution.
The students will learn the parts of a letter and write a Thank You letter to someone for a special Christmas gift they received. We will continue to practice the Writing Process. (Plan, Write, Revise, Edit, and Publish)
The students will continue reading and creating graphs to understand how to analyze data.
Social Studies/Science:
Resolutions/Goals and we will make snow for science.
Read each night and have your reading log signed.
Math homework is due by Friday.
Practice Spelling words for the test on Friday.