Weekly Learning Week 16


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on December 2, 2015

Weekly Learning for Week 16

Phonics:  diphthongs ow and ou
ou like in shout
ow like in snow
ow like in crowd

Spelling: We will have our Spelling Test on Thursday this week.
New Words:
good, new, write, our, me
shout, snow, crowd

Reading:  Author’s Purpose
We will have a sorting activity to help us practice understanding author’s purpose of a story.
We will listen to stories and have a listening comprehension assessment.

Writing:  We will be writing creative stories showing a beginning, middle, and end of a story.  We want our stories to show what the purpose of the writing is in each piece.

Math:  Monday we will have a Common Assessment.  On Thursday we will have a Math Benchmark test over all skills we have been learning.

Read each night and get your reading log signed.
Have your parents check your planner for daily information and initial your planner.
Spelling Test will be on Thursday this week.
Math Test will also be on Thursday.
We will have a reading assessment on Wednesday.

FYI – I will be out on Friday.
Our Christmas party will be December 18th from 9-10.  That will also be an early release day.  You are all welcome to come to the party and help.  I have given the room mother the pink room mother sheets if you filled it out at the beginning of the year.  If you did not complete a form and would like to help please write me a note and I will give it to the room mother.  She will be contacting you soon. I will let you know what type of gift exchange we are having as soon as we have made a decision.  Thank you for always being so supportive of your student and their education.

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