Weekly Learning Week 15


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on November 29, 2015

Weekly Learning Week 15

Phonics:  We are learning to add -s and -es to words to make them plural.

Spelling:  get, through, back, much, go, buses, washes, switches, boxes

Reading:  We will be learning about Author’s Purpose.  We want the students to understand and identify if the author wrote a story to entertain, persuade, or give us information.  They also need to give evidence to help support their thinking.

Writing:  We want our students to learn to write for a purpose as they are playing the role of an author.

Math:  We will continue to practice addition with regrouping in the tens and hundreds place.

Homework = Ticket towards a prize you have saved up for each week!
Reading – Read each night and have your reading log signed.
Fluency Poem – Read each night with phrasing and expression.  Initial each night and return Friday to paste in your poetry notebook.
Math – Two pages of math practice due by Friday.
Spelling – Practice a word a night and locate these words in your reading practice time.
Each Thursday we have an assessment over a reading or phonics skill.
Each Friday we have an assessment over what we have been working on in Math and we have a Spelling test.

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