Weekly Learning 2-2-15


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class, Weekly Lesson Plans | Posted on January 31, 2015

Book Orders will be due on Thursday, February 5, 2015.  I will be out on Friday.

Valentine Party note will be sent out this week.  Please check your child’s folder for information and the names of the students in our class.

Reading ~ We will be reviewing prefixes and learning about suffixes to help develop our vocabulary.  We will discuss root words and the suffix that we can add to the end of the word.  The suffix will change the meaning of the word.

Spelling ~ New Words:  must, because, does, part, even
Review Words:  your, their, how, ,many, people, these, through, much, also, of, a, to, is, are, as, they, this, not, all, there, their, many, some, so, words, know, good
Extra Words:  always, check, sound, spell
They may need to use endings with these words such as:  -er, -ed, -ing
These are the same words from last week.  We will have our test on Thursday of this week.

Writing ~  We will use technology and drawings to develop the story elements of a fairy tale.  The students will need to use detail to visualize the setting, characters, character traits, problem, and solution.  We will then use these drawings to create a developed fairy tale.  

Math ~ We will continue to practice subtraction with regrouping in story problem situations.  We will also work on 2 digit and 3 digit subtraction with regrouping.  The students will learn to check their answers by reviewing and using addition with regrouping.

Social Studies ~ Groundhog’s Day, Presidents, Dental Health, and Valentine Activities!

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