Reading: Author’s Purpose
We read and write for a purpose. The author wants to persuade us, inform us, or entertainment us when we read their story. We will read books and decide on the author’s purpose of writing the story and discuss the characteristics of how we know this information.
Writing: Writing for a purpose!
We will write to persuade Santa to bring us what we want or need. We will also create a Christmas tree outside and write to persuade why our tree should be chosen.
Word Work: pronouns
A pronoun will take the place of a noun. Ex. her, it, she, he, them
Spelling: New Words:
good, new, write, our, me
Review Words:
as, they, when, their, two, like, people, use, words, a, that, was, are, one, all, we, their, about, many, these, time, people, made, little, very, just
Extra Words:
These words will be posted on the board as a resource.
book, class, lives, small, wrote
Math: We will continue our understanding of addition with regrouping in more than one place value.
Social Studies: We will learn about the traditions and customs around the world.
Math – 2 pages of addition with regrouping due Friday (earn a ticket)
Spelling – Write a sentence a night using the new spelling words. (5 words) Due Friday for a ticket.
Read – Read each night for comprehension and fluency practice. Get the fluency poem signed for an extra ticket.