Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 10, 2013
We are learning about weather in Science this week. We learned that temperature lets us know if something is hot or cold. We will be discussing clouds and watching a Brain Pop Jr. video tomorrow.
Your student will need to read and have their log initialed by you each night. If they do this they will earn a ticket. If they do not read and have the log initialed by you they will lose 3 pts. Each child will begin with a 100 and it will stay a 100 unless they have not read. Please remember that practicing their reading each night for 20 minutes will greatly benefit their progress in reading comprehension, fluency, and accuracy! Thank you for your support.
Would you please send any empty toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls to school with your child. We will be learning about focus in our writing. These items will help with our lesson! We greatly appreciate your help! Thanks!