Summer Learning Fun! Make learning fun!


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on May 31, 2013

During the summer you will want to keep your kids enjoying the love of reading, writing, and math!

The site is the free math program I signed them up for and a letter was sent home with their password.  It is a competitive game that grows with them!  They will be challenged to learn their math facts.  I also encourage story problems for continued growth in problem solving!  They can create stories themselves and draw a picture or you could tell them a math story and have them paint, draw, or color a picture to explain the math story problem and write a number sentence.






I would also encourage you to look at this site.  It is free and parents can sign the students up.  It is a motivating site that kids can read books offline from the library and then go answer questions.  They earn points and prizes.

The site will also continue to be on my class blog through the summer for the kids to write and post comments to each other about summer fun.  It is monitored.  I will look at it once a week and approve posts and comments.  This is a great way to keep them writing and sharing.

Please feel free to email me with any questions.  I will do what I can to help you!  I hope you all have a wonderful summer break and are ready for your 2nd graders.

I have enjoyed each of them!  Thanks again for your support!  Have a wonderful time with your kids this summer!

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