Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on September 14, 2009
We will be having a Spelling Test on Wednesday. The words are from the spelling words from the previous week. The test will be a Cloze Story. The students will fill in the correct spelling word to complete the story. They will have also a dictation part on the test. I will be saying a sentence using words from our spelling list. The students will write the sentence. I will have some words on the board to help them spell. They can use these words I write like a word wall for a good resource. Since I will have these on the board for the students to look at, I will expect them to be spelled right. They will need to be able to spell their spelling words correctly. I will only say the sentence three times. They will need to be good listeners. They will be expected to check for capital letters at the beginning of sentences and correct punctuation at the end. They will need to read their sentence back to see if it sounds correct. I know they will do a great job at this. We have been practicing this when we write about our friends interactively.
The students will have math homework to practice comparing numbers. We are using the following vocabulary to compare numbers: is greater than, is less than, is equal to. The students will earn tickets for completing their homework.
Please always remember to read each night. The best way to become a great reader is to read, read, read!! Each night the students read they will receive a sticker on their card. When it is filled up they get a trip to the store.