Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on March 10, 2009
We are learning about adding and subtracting with doubles facts.

We are learning about adding and subtracting with doubles facts.
We made a tooth character and wrote a story about him\her. We will revise and edit our stories.
We hope to create a podcast with our new stories.
Upcoming events:
Bunny Money due Tuesday the 10th.
Spring Break – March 16 – 20
Spring Pictures – April 8th
April 15th – Kindergarten Round-up.
April 23, 2009 Texas Reader’s Theater presented by all first graders.
Chocolate Bunny money due on the 10th.This will help buy computers for our school and more educational things. We appreciate all of your help and support.
The child that sells the most could win a huge bunny.
The class that sells the most could win an ice cream party.
We have math homework! Turn in Thursday! Don’t for get to read!
We will be leaning about our teeth.