Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on February 26, 2009
We are working on the beginning, middie, and end of our stories.Champs assembly Friday be on time!

We are working on the beginning, middie, and end of our stories.Champs assembly Friday be on time!
We learned about capacity and compared temperatures in Math. Ask what D.E.A.R time is all about!
We used a balance to measure and compare the weight of objects.
We are learning to measure using non standard units.
We are measuring using paper clips, cubes, and our feet that we traced. We are comparing to what we measure with a ruler. We discussed a standard unit.
We are learning to measure using non standard units.
We are measuring using paper clips, cubes, and our feet that we traced. We are comparing to what we measure with a ruler. We discussed a standard unit.
George Washington was our 1st president. Abe Lincoln was our 16th president.
On Thursday we will be having our spelling test and dictation.
A good way to practice dictation is to have your child make up a sentence with the spelling words. Write, revise, and edit your sentences.
Parents can come to the Valentine’s party. 1:15 – 2:30!
We will be having our Valentine’s Party this Friday. You are welcome to come and see our Valentine cards and bags. We will be playing Heart Bingo!
We are writing letters to our parents, friend, and teachers.
We started putting our letters in the mailbox to be delivered.
This is a great way to write for meaning.
We will write riddles this week to practice our vocabulary words.
I am an odd number.
I am less than 60.
I am greater than 50.
If you count by 5’s you will count me.
What is my number?
Can you guess our number?
We counted to 100 by skip counting. We also read a 100 Day poem and books. We used our inference skills to guess what 100 items that we each brought to school. We also read about the custom of Groundhog Day. The groundhog predicts that we will have 6 more weeks of winter.