Contact Information


Posted by Mrs. Barlow | Posted in Mrs. Barlow's Class | Posted on August 25, 2016

If you need to reach me you can contact me in the following ways:
email – [email protected]
phone # – (903) 291-2151
Primary office: (903)291-2160
student planner or note

If you are changing your child’s transportation it is best to write me a note in their planner. If it is a last minute change, please contact me by voicemail by 2:15pm if possible.
I am able to check my email and phone for sure at my conference time which is between 2:00pm – 2:45pm.

Please register for the class blog. This will give you great information about things happening in the school and our classroom!
[email protected]
Look for the “subscribe here” on the right side of the blog.
Enter your email.

I am happy to have your child in my class this year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

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